Friday, October 16, 2009

Bloomberg a Hypocrite? If it walks like a duck and whines like a duck...

In a moment of honesty, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (aka King Bloomies) complimented Bill Thompson as "the greatest comptroller the City's ever had". Yet now that his reign as mayor is threatened, he's running $millions in negative ads distorting Thompson's record.


Perhaps, but King Bloomies simply keeping in character. After all, he's the man who called the City Council's efforts to ditch term limits, calling it SHAMEFUL, and then drove the effort himself when his presidential ambitions were blocked.

He's the man who pretends to speak for 'the people', but pushes policies that have enriched his buddies in Wall Street and Park Avenue at the expense of the City's working and middle class families.

He's the man who takes a limo to the subway.

The man whose ed policies pushes the weakest students out of the schools they desperately need and then boasts that tests score are up.

I could go on and on...but King Bloomies hypocrisy? I think so.

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