Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2009

New York Latino Political Leaders - A Video Short

Here's a terrific 4:00 minute history of the rise of Latino political power in New York by Marlene Peralta for HITNTelevision.
"Latinos started having a political presence in New York dating back to the late 1800s. In the 1930s East Harlem became El Barrio, and the main hub for Puerto Ricans, a community that rapidly became politically active, leadership that later spread to other local Hispanic groups."
BTW: NY's 1st elected Latino was Oscar Garcia Rivera, a native of Puerto Rico who won a seat in the NYS Assembly in 1937 as a Republican. Garcia Rivera was a Social Democrat by philosophy and a strong proponent of labor unions. It was he who drafted NYS' Unemployment Insurance Law and paved the way for minimum wage, right to organize and child labor laws.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Elaine Del Valle in 'Brownsville Bred...Growing Up Elaine'

Brownsville Bred...Growing Up Elaine

A One Woman Show
Written, Performed & Lived by:
Elaine Del Valle



This autobiographical show takes the audience through an "emotional rollercoaster" that is uplifting, heartbreaking and powerful as they witness Del Valle recreate life in the tough projects of 1980's Brownsville, Brooklyn NY.

Amongst eight other characters, Del Valle narrates as herself from ages 11 to 17. Del Valle's loving father, another empathetic character, leaves the family of five as he falls from stature as a talented musician to a defeated heroine addict. Not unlike most impoverished families, Elaine's mother emerges as the loveable spirit that holds the family together and guides them to a hopeful future.

Crime, Drugs and Poverty mix with the Joys of Family, Hope, Salsa and the Birth of Rap, as Del Valle's innocence recounts a journey to womanhood, a neighborhoods crack & crime epidemic, Salsa rumbas, and her love of Run DMC, which often times help her verbalize a unique struggle and triumph that has audiences cheering and laughing through their tears while swaying to urban rhythms.

Click for more info on Brownsville Bred and tickets.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bloomberg a Hypocrite? If it walks like a duck and whines like a duck...

In a moment of honesty, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (aka King Bloomies) complimented Bill Thompson as "the greatest comptroller the City's ever had". Yet now that his reign as mayor is threatened, he's running $millions in negative ads distorting Thompson's record.


Perhaps, but King Bloomies simply keeping in character. After all, he's the man who called the City Council's efforts to ditch term limits, calling it SHAMEFUL, and then drove the effort himself when his presidential ambitions were blocked.

He's the man who pretends to speak for 'the people', but pushes policies that have enriched his buddies in Wall Street and Park Avenue at the expense of the City's working and middle class families.

He's the man who takes a limo to the subway.

The man whose ed policies pushes the weakest students out of the schools they desperately need and then boasts that tests score are up.

I could go on and on...but King Bloomies hypocrisy? I think so.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

El Diario-La Prensa Endorses Bill Thompson for Mayor

El Diario-La Prensa's endorsement (Bill Thompson for Mayor - 10/15/09) tells why all City voters must reject King Bloomies' bid for a 3rd term and instead pull the lever for Bill Thompson. en español

Excerpt 1
After a decade misspent lionizing the rich and their excesses, too many New Yorkers are paying the price for the decisions made in Washington, on Wall Street and in City Hall. What New York City needs is an executive with a balanced perspective...where families most in need are a high priority. This leader is Bill Thompson.

Excerpt 2
Thompson has a sterling record...[and] has won the backing of highly regarded elected officials, including Nydia Velázquez, José Serrano, Rubén Díaz Jr. and Adriano Espaillat...DC37, TWU Local 100 and Uniformed Firefighters Association...

Excerpt 3
[Bloomberg's undemocratic maneuver he pulled on term limits] is not simply slick scheming—it is a gross abuse of power. Even Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez conducted a plebiscite on his extended stay in power.

Excerpt 4
With city government already tipped to favor the executive branch, Bloomberg’s power grab delivers a clear message: the ability of constituents to challenge power and shape decisions at the top is seriously in danger.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thompson v Bloomberg Debate #1 - Bloomies TKO's himself

Wow..the Thompson v King Bloomies debate wasn't even close!

Thompson was the clear winner. He was strong, factual and assertive while maintaining in his trademark likability. On the other hand, Bloomberg seemed shrunken, uncomfortable and evasive behind that masked disdain which has been his trademark.

It was a victory for Thompson on style as well as substance. But King Bloomies kinda beat himself up with his obvious lies, misrepresentations, Republican views and strange comments. Check out some of these gems:

- Insults El Museo and Latinos w/terrible, terrible Spanish
- Lies that he's never had a manicure/pedicure
- States that the city is a mixture and not a mosaic(?)
- Raves that Giuliani would make a great governor
- Claims no one's being forced to leave NYC due to rising costs
- Way prefers Joe Bruno over Pedro Espada for Senate Majority Leader
- Suggests that Ray Kelly is indispensable
- Confides that 'friends' asked him to overturn term limits
- Misrepresented his involvement in pension decisions
- Doesn't answer if schools are 55% better (as per budget increases)
- Blatantly distorts Thompson's role w/the public schools
- Doesn't deny buying political party lines
- Doesn't deny spending $200 million to win a 3rd term
- Supporting a 'stop n search' program that targets people of color
- Claims that his $235 million in grants to city nonprofit groups did not buy him silence or endorsements; and that grantees don't even know he's the donor

No wonder King Bloomies is kept under tight wraps, the man is, politically speaking, an idiot. W/o his billions he'd never ever come close to win citywide office nor even councilman from the silk stocking district.

Eight is way more than enough for this bozo.

Click here for the full Thompson v Bloomberg NY1 Debate at El Museo del Barrio

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thompson, Liu & De Blasio: The Democratic Dream Team!

The Democratic 'Dream' Team for NYC: Bill Thompson, John Liu and Bill de Blasio. A true coordinated effort by these 3 candidates could very well trump his $millions and decide the fate of King Bloomie. Stay tuned.

Unity Rally at City Hall - 10/4/09

Bill Thompson for Mayor
John Liu for NYC Comproller
Bill De Blasio for Public Advocate

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The International Poetic Short Film Festival - 10/5-26

My Dear Friends,

It’s been a year since The 1st Latino American Poetic Short Film Festival at the Nuyorican Poets Café. In this our 2nd annual Poetic Film Festival we have opened the doors to the rest of the world. The International poetic Short Film Festival begins tomorrow Monday October 5, 2009. I apologize for my late invitation. It’s been a busy and hectic year for all us. I am sure.

The International Poetic Short Film Festival will be held Mondays October 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2009 at The NUYORICAN Poets Café located at 236 East 3rd Street New York, NY 10009Tickets are $10 at the door.

Visit the IPSFF website for more information.

Vision has no boundaries,

Leandro Goicuria
Executive Director
José Antonio

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Latinos for Liu -- VOTE TODAY!!!

New York's El Diario has endorsed John Liu for NYC Comptroller (A vote for John Liu - Sptember 21, 2009) in today's run-off election. El Diario's reasoning is straightfoward:

1. Liu is exceptionally qualified.

"Liu spent 14 years in the financial sector, where he worked as an actuary for pension funds. He combines this impressive professional background with eight years of city government experience."

2. Liu is independent.

"As comptroller, Liu would bring more energy and independence to the table than Yassky. He has actively questioned the numbers put forth by agencies like the MTA and the city’s Department of Education and held them accountable for self-serving reports."

3. Liu is no King Bloomie pushover.

"Liu voted against King Bloomie’s undoing of term limits, while his opponent flushed his 'reformer' credentials down and voted against the voters hard fought reforms."

4. Liu is inclusive with a record of fighting for all of use constituents.

"Liu is passionately committed to increasing opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses. His campaign has excited and mobilized Asian voters. But he also appeals to a broad range of New Yorkers." While his opponent, "despite representing communities like Williamsburg...being suffocated by soaring rents, showed little interest in meeting with a coalition of 40 Latino, Black and Jewish organizations that were shut out of the Broadway Triangle planning process."

John Liu for NYC Comproller '09
John Liu: One For All video

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Drums Along the Hudson: A Native American Festival May 17th

The Seventh Annual DRUMS ALONG THE HUDSON: A NATIVE AMERICAN FESTIVAL will take place on Sunday, May 17th, 2009 in Upper Manhattan’s Inwood Hill Park from 11:00 am until 6:00 pm, rain or shine. The event is FREE to the public and presented by Lotus Music & Dance.

DRUMS ALONG THE HUDSON features Manhattan’s only open air pow wow, which is a celebratory gathering of Native people. This year’s pow wow will be led by Louis Mofsie and the Thunderbird American Indian Dancers and will feature other indigenous and international artists.

A multi cultural family-oriented festival, DRUMS ALONG THE HUDSON includes exhibitions of world dance and drumming traditions as well as Native American crafts and international cuisines. The festival combines a celebration of Native American heritage, culture, and art with the diversity of New York City itself.
